Sunday 10 March 2013

Khajuraho Festival of Dances - Dr. Sunil Kothari

Now in its 39th year, Khajuraho Festival of dances has added several features along with the festival. When one approached the festival venue located on the Western complex of Chandella temples, one entered into an area which covered several arts. Right from the delicious variety of food of Madhya Pradesh, one moved on to see the looms, weavers weaving amazing patterns on saris, block prints, then a potter, who carved out beautiful shapes of earthen wares. A store next to it had publications on art. From there on one entered the Art Mart, a welcome addition for tourists to buy paintings. Adjacent to it was an exhibition of paintings by artists from Madhya Pradesh, arranged in an eye catching manner.

Read the review in the site

1 comment:

  1. Excellent review, analysis and suggestions. As they say Two is good company and three is a crowd.
    I feel the earlier format of restricting the performances to two a day would be better.
    By the way what happened to the folk dance festival that used to happen simultaneously and in fact attract more crowds?
